Support our work

Prepare2Nspire has improved academic outcomes for hundreds of students, inspired tutors to enter STEM-related U of M programs, and helped build a community of interest in math on Minneapolis’s North Side. Evaluation data shows the program encourages persistence and achievement in a field where there are good jobs available.

Points of success include:

  • at least 75% of eleventh-grade participants increased their ACT math score by 10% or more
  • at least 75% of eighth- and eleventh-grade participants increased their pre- and post-program algebra test scores by at least 30%
  • at least 75% of participants registered an increase of at least 25% in confidence and engagement scores measured by pre- and post-program attitudinal surveys

Less quantifiable but still powerful are the stories related by participants, including one alum who went on to achieve a 3.7 GPA at Xavier and won a Pathways to Graduate Success Summer Research Fellowship.

We believe that the color of a student’s skin is not correlated to their achievement in mathematics. Your investment will help make that possible.

How can you support this?

  • $50 pays for a healthy meal for participants
  • $150 buys a graphing calculator
  • $500 funds a STEM-themed field trip
  • $1,000 supports the salary of an undergraduate mentor

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